For one week I featured some breakfasts that will wake your body up and fuel it with a combination of high protein, low carbs and healthy fats, all of which your body needs to perform. Many of you may not eat breakfast for different reasons such as lack of time, you may feel “sick” eating too early or you just don’t feel like it.
If you eat dinner at 5 or 6pm and you wait till lunch to have your first meal, your body is fasting for more than 12 hours which slows down your metabolism. You could also experience some negative effects of Dawn Phenomenon. Dawn Phenomenon is a normal early-morning rise in glucose (blood sugar) that occurs before or shortly after waking when. Between 4 a.m. and 8 a.m., the body increases the production of certain hormones. These natural body chemicals suppress the activity of insulin, a hormone that transports glucose into cells to use for energy and reduces blood sugar levels. These hormones trigger the liver to release enough glucose to give the body the energy to wake up. People with diabetes either fail to produce insulin or cannot properly use the insulin that is available. As a result, glucose continues to rise to abnormally high levels (hyperglycemia).
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