Tzaziki sauce is refreshing and low in fat. I would highly recommend that you seed the cucumber before mixing into the sauce to avoid excess liquid and only use fresh squeezed lemon juice. Bottled lemon juice contains Sulfur Dioxide (also known as sulfites). This chemical is common in our food supply and used as a preservative to prevent the discolouration of fruit, as an anti-microbial for wine, in frozen pizza dough and pie crust, and in the case of lemon juice, to prevent it from rotting. Some of the ugly truths about Sulfur Dioxide are,
- It is used to decolourize paper and cloth, as a bleaching agent and to treat chlorinated wastewater prior to release.
- Sulfur dioxide blocks nerve signals from the pulmonary stretch receptor, which is precisely why it mimics asthma-like symptoms. To make matters worse, it also inhibits your lungs from over-inflating, which is why you feel like you can’t take full deep breaths when exposed to sulfites.
- Sulfur dioxide emissions are a precursor to acid rain which kills fish and stimulates the overgrowth of algae.
- It is the poisonous gas emitted by volcanic eruptions.
- Coal and petroleum burn off often contain sulfur compounds.
- These types of sulfur compounds are harmful to the environment, plant and animal life.
Need I say more? Fresh is definitely best!